A Wall of Sticky Notes

Now that summer vacation has started, (It began a bit late for me due to unfortunate weather circumstances during the winter) I am beginning to formulate some ideas as to what I want to accomplish.  One I came up with a few months prior to now, however, I am now adding more specific details to this plan.

The book that I started during NaNoWriMo this year I have continued, though at a slower rate compared to that of November.  Yet, I am nearing the end, and have come up with a few ideas concerning my rewrite.  Although, the first aspect of my writing I need to correct is the organization of my research.  Or, rather, I need to conduct research.  I have a small amount of information I have compiled, and also several unfinished outlines. Wondering when the wall of sticky notes comes in?  Well, I believe now would be a good time to explain my title.

I have been researching various ideas on how I may organize the notes and outline for my novel, and one of the ideas I found was to find an empty wall and plaster it with sticky notes, filled with the information for my book.  One of my first thoughts after reading this was that I could never find a wall empty or large enough within my living quarters to cover with all the notes I would need.  Another was that it sounded impossibly confusing, not to mention the picture in my mind of some small child arriving and ripping them all down before I was aware.  Of course, such a hypothetical situation was unlikely to happen anytime soon, yet the idea was still quite unappealing to my specific style of organization.

Since then I have looked into a few online sources which I may be able to use to store my information, many of which require a disconcerting amount of compensation.  While I am willing to expend a bit of my savings on this project, I feel that there are better solutions.  One website I took a glance at was celtx, which is free provided you do not mind using only its most basic components.  I attempted to try this, however I could not pass even the sign up, as it consistently insisted something about “undefined is not a function”.  If anyone reading has advice as to how I may fix this, I would be very interested.

I occurred to me, since I am starting to look at these programs for the first time seriously, it may be beneficial to both myself and those reading to create a post open to suggestion on organizing information for one’s novel.  So, please give suggestions in the comment section below.  For example, what do you personally do to organize for your novel?  Do you use the sticky note method?  Or perhaps there is an online program that you think everyone ought to use?  Please share these in the comment section below.  Your advice would be greatly appreciated.  Have a fabulous day.


Rambling Writer 😉

The Perks of Being a Writer

I am currently at Barnes and Noble and thought it would be a cool idea to write a blog as long as I’m here.  That is really the major perk I was intending to bring up; going to Barnes and Noble.  I love coming here to write, work, and also drink their wonderful, wonderful coffee.  I got a hot White Chocolate Mocha today.  I usually go for the sweeter ones.  I’m one of those people coffee aficionados may not consider a real coffee-drinker, when taken into account I inundate my coffee with a barrage of flavored creamer and spices so that it ends up looking like straight milk.

I was a bit disappointing today, as the cafe did not request my name when I ordered my coffee.  What purpose do I have for disappointment at this turn of events?  I will began explaining by saying that no, I am not so egotistical that I simply like to hear my name called.  The reason I was somewhat dissatisfied is that my friend and I recently came up with an intriguing game that demands our names be requested.  This game is rather unsophisticated; we simply buy coffees and when they ask for our names, we provide fake ones.  It can be especially amusing if one is buying a coffee with someone else, because then he or she may use the names of some famous duo, such as Sherlock and Watson.  This, of course, works exceptionally well at a bookstore like Barnes and Noble.  The past two instances they have not asked for my name, which is rather sad, since I have had an idea for one for a while.  I thought I could say Primrose Everdeen.

Get it?  B-because she is called as…as tribu-oh nevermind…

Although it just occurred to me that perhaps this may be even more interesting with a partner.  For example, I could be Primrose, and someone after me could be Katniss, so that when the employee calls for her, she might yell, “I volunteer as tribute!”  Yes…I know I am dorky.

Another reason I love Barnes and Noble is due to their impressive manga section.  It is not that they have an abundant variety, but more so than many stores.  It is rather funny to me, I did not really become involved in reading manga until this year.  Now I even own an edumanga.  Yes, it is what it sounds like; an educational manga.  My edumanga is written concerning linear algebra.  It is actually quite beneficial in understanding where formulas and the sort originate.  However, I have yet to finish it.  I am stuck at Gaussian Elimination.

One more reason I am fond of Barnes and Noble is due to the fact that it prevents me from dawdling my entire afternoon.  I feel a duty to be productive, since it would be slightly odd to sit in a bookstore just to watch a television show or daydream.  So, usually I at least do some sort of writing here if not schoolwork.  I actually spent a good deal of NaNoWriMo here.  I find it relaxing and cozy.

Now that I have finished my rant on the wonders of Barnes and Noble, I would love to hear what you think.  Have you ever been to Barnes and Noble?  Did you like it?  Why?  Or perhaps you like another bookstore better.  What is one of your favorite spots to visit when getting work done?  Share in the comment section below.  I look forward to hearing from you.  Also, do not forget to hit that like button if you enjoyed this post, and if you want more, the follow button in the right hand corner.


Rambling Writer 😉

School Tips and Tricks

1. Make a good lunch

Seriously.  Cannot.  Stress.  This.  Enough.  I know it’s hard-it’s nighttime and you just want to get to sleep-or it’s the morning and you have to rush to the car-but it’ll make your day better in the long run.  This year I got a sectioned lunch box, so on special days I can make a fancy lunch, like a bento.

2. Keep all your notes in one notebook

I personally have found that instead of using an individual page every time I want to take notes, and facing the possibility of it falling out, I can just use one spiral notebook.  especially good-a notebook with sections to it.  That way, you can dedicate one section to a class you take a lot of notes in-like science or math.  And another section can be for miscellaneous notes, and maybe even one for assignments.

3. Get your work done well..but pace yourself

It took me a while to learn this one.  I always liked being able to say “I worked all night on this!”  or “I don’t have time to do anything, I have so much work!”  I still struggle with this.  Thing is-unless the assignment is unreasonable-you should be able to finish things at a normal pace.  Find something to motivate you, like a TV show, or a snack to have on break.

4. Be kind to the teachers

I hold firm to this belief.  Even though teachers are supposed to be impartial, they are still human.  Which means that they are probably more likely to give you grace when you forget to bring an assignment in, or need something from your locker.  Not to say you should be a suck-up, that would probably just annoy them.  But give them attention during class, try not to talk back, and be generally respectful.

5. Have one area where you keep all your school stuff

There is a small square of unused space created by the piano and the wall in my living room, which I generally use as my ‘School Pile’.  Also, keep it in an area that you see before you leave, to avoid forgetting anything.  And make sure, that after you use something, you PUT.  IT.  BACK.

I’ll add more tips later if I think of them.  ^_^  Or if you guys happen to mention some good ones, I might put them on the list as well!  Of course, I’ll give the author credit.  So feel free to comment with school tips or how you’re feeling about school starting again soon.  Also, don’t forget to like or follow if you enjoy my blog!  Have a good last few days of summer vacation. 🙂


Rambling Writer 😉