First First Finished

I recently sort of finished my first first draft. Meaning, not the first first draft I’ve started, but the first one I’ve ever finished.  It feels strange. Not very triumphant. Mostly cheesy and reminding me of all the work I have yet to do. There are a million and one plot holes, flat characters, and a failure to resolve all of the loose ends at all properly. But I finished.
Honestly, I feel like this should be longer, but this is all I have to say for now. I think I might throw a party to celebrate. Is that over dramatic? I don’t know. But parties are fun.
Feel free to share your experiences with finishing a first draft in the comments below, and don’t forget to like and follow if you enjoyed this post.


Rambling Writer 😉

Decor and School

So…haven’t posted in a while.  That’s because I have been working on decorating my room!  *Confetti*  Pictures?  Yes, pictures.


I have two bulliten boards, one has pictures of myself and others I know (which I may add other things to later) and this one has drawings, tracings, black and white pictures I colored in, and one picture of catbug saying “Finals? Put a little fence around it!”



This is one of my favorite additions, a lamp from Ikea with flowers going up the side of the glass.



This is the upper half of my bookshelf. Up top, you can see my obsession with pandas and below, my color-coded shelves of books. The color-coding was suggested by my older sister who has done the same to her bedroom. See if you can find the Little bit of anime fandom in the picture 😉



This is a huge fan that rests on the wall above my bed.



One of my favorite parts of the room, the study-space-to-be. It’s rather messy right now. It is a large windowsill that faces my front yard. I hope to add some pillows, and little personal touches as I go along. It’s right next to an outlet, so I can easily use my laptop, or a CD player. Possibly other little personal touches as I go along.

You like?  If you have any thoughts or decorating tips feel free to share ^_^  I apoligize for the bad quality of the photos, I am a dork who does not know how to use a proper camera, so I use the magic that is webcam pictures through  One of the pictures I even changed a bit to be a little easier on the eyes xD

Now that I have shared those pictures with you, I will talk about what is happening in about a week.  School.  So I have been pondering how to make this school year better, and more interesting.  I was thinking-I could make a post about it.  So be looking out for the going back to school 101 post!  If you share tips from your own experience below, I may even include them!  Of course, I will give credit to the author if I do so.

Feel free to comment, like and/or follow if you enjoy my blog, and I’ll talk to you again soon.


Rambling Writer 😉

Summer Camp

Tomorrow I’m leaving for summer camp!  Practically no electronics for one entire week-nothing I can’t do.  After all…I only spend about half the day on the computer, maybe more, you know, totally average 😛  I think the greatest challenge will be to give up music for a week.  We sing a lot there-and I love camp songs, but I will definitely miss my professionally recorded music.

This year, I have a camp resolution!  Yes, I know, technically that is not a thing, but I don’t care.  I just made it a thing.  So, every year, I have a tendency to complain about certain…aspects…of the camping experience I don’t like.  And I have decided that this year, I want to follow the advice I’ve given to others-there are downsides and upsides to every point in life, and you may as well enjoy the upsides instead of focusing on the downsides!  I am going to start by listing the some of the aspects I do not like about my camp and then talking about the upsides of them.  Here we go!

1) Mission Impossible

Every year, the campers in one section of camp are woken in the middle of the night to run around in the dark, dodge and bribe guards, and wade through a creek to get their flag and return to the bell tower before the other cabins in their section.  The upsides are as follows: A) Many of my friends like it, B) it is a competition, and once I really get into competitions I sometimes get excited, and C) we get to jump in the warm pool afterwards.

2) Being without (a lot-not all) technology

I like my music, my laptop, and my TV.  A lot.  And it will be hard to go without them.  Especially my music.  (One year my mom sent me ipod erasers to congratulate me on going that long without my ipod.  I also generally listen to as many songs I love as I can get before I leave, so that I might have them stuck in my head)  Here, however, are the upsides: A) Getting away from all those distractions, and even just because it is such a change of scenery, makes people more willing to talk to each other face-to-face, B) it helps me to focus more on God and what he has for me to learn, and C) it gets me to read and write more! 😀

3) Being away from family

I love my family, and I’m not fond of being away from them for long.  Even just a week.  This causes me to be a bit homesick.  Here, however, are the upsides: A) I get to see some different viewpoints than what I’ve been taught in my family, which helps me to reevaluate what I think, B) sometimes, it’s easier to share with people you don’t know as well rather than the people who know you the best-at least, this has been my experience, and C) while I will leave my biological family behind, I will have another family waiting for me at camp, from my cabin mates who I’ve known for a long time, to the new recruits.  And I look forward to spending a week with them.  🙂

Do you ever have trouble looking on the bright side?  I think that there are times to express our sadness and discontent, but dwelling on it too much just ruins experiences for both yourself and the people around you.  Feel free to comment on the topic below, just please keep it nice.  Not that I have any reason to expect otherwise from you ^_^  Don’t forget to like and follow if you enjoyed this post.  Thank you for your time!


Rambling Writer 😉

August Updates

1) I may as well get the disappointing out right away.  I lost Camp NaNoWriMo.  I would have had to tell you eventually.  I am still happy I got started on my story-hopefully this should help me to finish it in the future 🙂

2) I began an Online Japanese course!  Woot!

3) I painted most of my room, and should be done soon

4) I am going to camp soon.  It has cabins and wonderful food.  There is one night generally where one’s cabin sleeps in a lean-to or in the forest, and another where all the cabins in one section of the camp (there are three) go on a hunt for their flag in the middle of the night and try to make it back to the bell before the other campers.  It is a surprise which night it is, too.  We generally have to venture through a creek and hide in some bushes, giving a very good chance to get poison ivy.  Somehow, miraculously, I haven’t gotten it before.  But I have always been rather reluctant to do either activity, to put it mildly.  This time, however, I am going to try to not only be positive about it, but also make the best of it.  After all, there’s no point in ruining it for the people around you, right?

How did you guys do on NaNoWriMo?  Doing anything crafty?  Finally, is there any tips you gave for my camping experience, for example, what to bring, what to do, ect.?  I’d be happy to hear them in the comments below!  Don’t forget to follow and like if you enjoyed this post!


Rambling Writer 😉

Making Your Experience Better

Hello all!  So, when I started this blog, it was really something fun for just me to do.  Then I started getting all of you wonderful followers.  Though this may seem to be a small number to others. the fact that you take an interest in what I have to say is very encouraging, especially in respect to my confidence in my writing ability.  If you have time, I would like to ask a few questions on behalf of your reading enjoyment 😉

1) I have been playing some visual novels lately, especially otome games, and I was wondering if you would like me to begin reviewing games.  I admit-I’m not an expert when it comes to games, but if you want me to, I’d be happy to provide you with a different perspective!

2) Are there any topics you would prefer I not talk about as much?

3) Are there topics you wish I covered more?

Comments would be especially appreciated on this post, as feedback is crucial.  I will also take every like on this post as a yes to number one.  If I get enough likes, I will begin reviewing games as well as books.  Thank you for your time, your support, and your continued interest. 🙂


Rambling Writer 😉

Finals Tip #13

#13.  Don’t be afraid to go a little off your planned schedule 😉

     I don’t mean decide to stop studying math and watch some TV.  Please don’t do that!  I mean, if you notice that, for example, you’ve practically got the entirety of your math book memorized and know how to use it inside and out, but that science class has you confused every time, it won’t hurt to spend some or even all of the time you planned for the easy subject studying the harder subject instead.  

Hope this was helpful!  If you have any tips for finals, share them in the comment section!


Rambling Writer 😉

Finals Tips #11 and #12

#11–Reserve one folder for finals papers.

     It’s much easier to begin studying when you don’t have to dig through a mountain of papers to find the right ones.  

#12–Make finals packets

Get the study guide, look it through, and get the tests/worksheets needed to study those things.  Then, staple them together and put them in your folder.  That way, whatever you need to study will be right there when you need it.

Hope these helped!  I’ll be posting more later 😉  feel free to comment with your finals tips.


Rambling Writer 😉

A Trip to the Library

Today, I went to the library, which I have not done in an awfully long time.  I hope that libraries never fall out of use, though I fear that the day is soon coming where I will reminisce to the younger generations about a wonderful building filled with paper books, due to the electronic library revolution going on lately.  Both my father and my sister have Kindles.  I have not gotten one yet, as I do prefer the actual book in my hands.  At the library today, I got 3 books.  I would have gotten more, but I’ve been rather busy with school lately.  I got The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau, along with it’s sequel The People of Sparks, and finally Escape From Memory by Margaret Peterson Haddix, an author I highly recommend.  I thought I had read all of her books, but it seems that there is yet one I have missed.  Haddix write one of my favorite series, The Shadow Children Series, which is about standing up to a government who forces each family to only have two children.  Luke is the protagonist in the first book, who is the third child in a family of farmers.  I think this is where I got the impression that Luke was a good name.  I find that the reason most people like or dislike names, are not the sound of them, but what their first impression of one with that name was.  Unless, of course, they have never heard or read of a person with that name.  

If you would like, I would be willing to give a review of one or two of the books after I read them, though I do not know if you would be interested in that.  Of course, reading is one of the most vital things in learning to write well, so if I can help you in any way to read good books, I would love to.  Some of the books I would recommend right off the bat would be some of the classics that no doubt many of you have already read due to school requirements, but if they have not asked you to read them, I suggest Animal Farm by George Orwell, The Giver by Louis Lowry, and anything by John Green.  To be honest, though, I have not yet read a book by John Green, so it is rather hypocritical for me to recommend them to you.  However, I am fully planning on doing so, once my schedule becomes not insane.  Is that a double negative?  After all, I am saying not not sane.  Just a thought.

One more thing before I finish this post-what are some of your favorite books that you’d recommend?  Or authors?  Comment below.  Thank you!


Rambling Writer 😉

Yay for the Last Day of Break! Not. -_-

Konnichiwa!  So, see that pile over there?  Yeah, the one in the distance that looks like a mountain?  That’s my homework.  Exactly.  Plus, most of it is a complete waste of time that is supposedly going to help me ‘learn’.

What teacher gives homework over break?  Well, some of it is just the homework I have to make up for since I was out sick two days, but the rest is mostly from the new teachers.  So why am I blogging?  I’m…not…trying…to…procrastinate….if that’s…..what…you are saying.  *Glances at clock again*

So, the first thing on my list is to research…good research topics…and pick 5 I like.  Once I have finished making my list, I am supposed to pick a topic on the list to make my research paper on.  Or I could conveniently add the one I wanted to do originally to the bottom and….OK, no, but I’d really like to.

So, to my surprise, some of the questions that come up are actually fairly interesting.  One of them I always meant to research, “What happened during the Salem Witch Trials?”  I was going to research it for a book I was planning to write but never got to it.  Which reminds me, when you make a character for a story, but don’t end up writing that story, does that character get thrown out as well?  Usually if I decide not to write a story, I’ll still use the characters somewhere else.  Several of the characters in the story I’m working on now are characters I made for other stories I didn’t finish.  Though they are always modified versions, as I cannot put them in the same homes with the same families as they had before.

In other news, I noticed that you guys seemed to enjoy my post on smash booking a great deal.  I’ll try to talk about that more often.  Do you like other types of crafts as well?  Feel free to comment below on what you most enjoy me talking about.  Thank you!


Rambling Writer 🙂